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Why use the Pelvic Clock® exercise device?

Lower back pain is often caused by a muscular imbalance. In the normal course of our daily lives, half of our core muscles are unused, and others are stiff from overexertion / overuse.

Who should use a Pelvic Clock?

Try these core strengthening exercises for lower back pain before back surgery with a Pelvic Clock®. Almost everyone can benefit from using a Pelvic Clock, and I have great story to share. Please note that I do not receive this product or any others in exchange for this article, I do get a small commission for readers that click the buy now links. This commission helps differ the cost of hosting this blog and I sincerely hope this article helps you with your back pain.
These core strengthening exercises for lower back pain with a Pelvic Clock may help you avoid back surgery. This will help greatly for non-athletes, and is especially helpful for those participating in golf, cycling, running or tennis. Anyone suffering from lower back pain could benefit from a Pelvic Clock. Officially, the Pelvic Clock is recommended for the following conditions: sedentary lifestyle, lumbar spinal stenosis, sciatica, sacroiliac joint dysfunction, piriformis syndrome, hip pain, pregnancy back pain, and postpartum rehabilitation. Pelvic Clock® exercise device is a stretching aid for hip and lower back pain relief.

How long will it take to get relief?

All injury is different so your results will be dependent on your condition. If the pain is new and recently developed, you could feel relief the same day. Chronic pain suffers will need a bit more time to finally get relief. In some cases you will need to work through the pain to rid it completely. If you feel pain while doing the workouts you should start with small movements. Over time try to gradually increase your range of movement. Know your limits and get comfortable pushing yourself each time you workout.

The Pelvic Clock Device is brilliant for those of us with unstable pelvises and back pain.
If you’re suffering from back pain, you are not alone. And you don’t have to continue to suffer or go through a complicated surgery. Back pain, which can range from a dull, constant ache to a sudden, sharp sensation that leaves the person unable to move, can begin abruptly as a result of an accident or by lifting something heavy. Or it can develop over time due to changes in the spine as we age. A sedentary lifestyle can also lead to low back pain.

The magnitude of this issue is only growing. The Pelvic Clock is a small rubber dome. When used as designed, your sacrum is supported in the device. These core strengthening exercises for lower back pain are simple – extension, side to side, and pelvic circles, followed by some stretching.

The first time I did the basic series for core strengthening exercises for lower back pain, I was shocked and by the next day felt 80% better. I was able to stop seeing the chiropractor, and thus saving with just one visit the cost of the Pelvic Clock.

Good for More Than Just Lower Back Pain

The Pelvic Clock Device can be used for the pelvis in supine, sitting, and standing positions. It can also help the upper back, shoulder girdle, and feet. In addition, there are several standing exercises that will help with balance and stability, including lunge and squat variations.

Because you can use it standing, it is safe for pregnant women and for folks who cannot get up and down from the floor. It can also be used in bed.

Note that to really be effective, you need to do the exercises daily for a while. But at least they take 10 minutes at home, versus going out to a PT or chiropractic session.

Pilates and the Pelvic Clock Device

I saw immediately where this device could be used in Pilates – the Corkscrew exercise being an obvious choice.

I highly recommend this device to Pilates teachers and personal trainers, both for your own back and your clients.

•Invented by a former Olympic coach | Made in the USA
•Prevents and relieves chronic back pain
•Quickly stretches tight hip flexor muscles
•Strengthens deep core muscles
•Improves hip & sacroiliac alignment




2 thoughts on “Why use the Pelvic Clock® exercise device?

  1. I love this little device. I fell back in 2015 and suffered with chronic back pain and awful physical therapy. It looks small but let me tell you works magic on my back. This tool is highly recommended. Just follow the easy instructions and get relief with out a hip replacement.

    1. Thanks Lisa,
      I too have had great luck with this little thing. My lower back is notorious about throwing pain and this thing works for me. Rick.

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